we met with the assistant ward mission leader and talked about how to
build Mokpo this next transfer. The main situation is last year there
was a big push for member missionary work and referrals. Because of
that, a lot of members feel like they don't know who else they can
invite. There s a great opportunity with Elder Christofferson coming,
but there's no one to share it with. That s how a lot of them feel
anyway. One thing we're focusing on is past received referrals. Trying
again with those that didn't accept it the first time.
After that we saw an awesome miracle. We were going
shop for the week and we met an awesome guy on the street. Introduced us
to his friend that teaches a Taekwondo academy, talked with him for a
while and said he wanted to meet again. Talked with a couple other
awesome people later that evening too as we were going to visit a
Throughout the week we saw a lot of other miracles
too. We met a lot of students at a university here that were super
awesome, one of them attends a local church and wanted to know what
happened to ancestors who didn't know about God.. The days I love to be a
missionary. :D Such a great discussion.
Then there's transfers. My new companion is
awesome. He works really hard, I am pretty sure he is half giant, he
studies a lot, and he has a really outgoing personality.
the past couple of days, we met a couple of cool people on the street,
and saw some big miracles. Saturday's miracles were the best. We played
basketball with a kid we met a couple days back and told him about
ourselves a little more, then he invited us over to his house for dinner
the next day. When we visited, his family was awesome. He loves church,
and says he wants to come to ours. The mom wants a church, but tried to
go to a different one for a while and it didn't feel the way she
wanted. She's super open though. And they're such a fun family.
Then we had English class and an after party which
went really well. (The assistant ward mission leader is a manager at a
meat processing factory, so he likes to organizes 고기 Parties.
Essentially BBQ^^) A lot of investigators came or stayed after Eng
class, plus a long time Less Active suddenly came and introduced two
students from his academy who wanted to meet us. It was a super good
time. I think we'll be able to meet a lot of them again. The member I
was really excited about. I'd been looking for him for a while. I had
heard of him before, but I didn't have an address for his work, so I
could never find him. Then, without us even saying anything, he appears
at just the right time. It's official. We've got the best Boss.
I absolutely love Mokpo. It's so beautiful, and I
see so many miracles happening this transfer. I'm excited. I'll have to
send a picture of my new companion. He's a football player, super fast
learner, and has a really outgoing personality.
Then if that wasn't awesome enough, we have an
Apostle coming this week! It's going to be awesome! I hope everything is
going well back home. You're in my prayers. The more I serve, the more
grateful I feel to have the family that I do. It's such an incredible
You're all the best! have a good week!
Elder Robarts