Monday, September 16, 2013

2013.09.06 email

Dear home,
Hey! So, this keyboard is odd and doesn't accept it when I hit keys sometimes. (Oddly common lately) So if you se anything weird, sorry.
Anyway, this week was awesome. We saw a really cool miracle. There's an investigator we're working with that I'm really excited for. Even the story of meeting him was a miracle. We got a number from doing a survey, called it, and it was a wrong number. But the story doesn't end there. I talked with him over the phone for a while. He said he was interested in meeting and talking more. Next miracle: he lives in our area, which I wasn't expecting from a wrong number. Next miracle: At first we thought he might only be interested in English, but each time we meet he seems to get more interested in the Gospel. He wants to be Baptized, but still isn't sure if he's ready. He's preparing to be baptized in October, and we're hoping to invite him out to General Conference. Awesome guy. He came out to church this week and loved it, even asked for a trible combination a while back when we shared a little from the doctrine and covenants.
Also, lately we've been having trouble meeing people. We meet a lot of good people on the street, but contacting them is harder in this area. We've focused on that a lot this week, and we found a couple cool people we think will do well.^^
Member missionary work is as big as ever. New Elder's Quorum President was called, and he has lots of new ideas too. (LOTS of ideas) I love the people here. They're all thinking about how we can work better. I think the best way we can help at the moment though is to help them be a little more united in their ideas. Lots of ideas, but little coordination between them. Still working on that. But oddly, I learned a little about how they first started getting excited about missionary work. There's been a lot of planning going into a new stake center here in 광주, and as part of that, a lot of the wards are looking like they might combine or change. As part of that, Our ward would get absorbed into a bigger one, unless they're able to get it growing some more.
Even before that, people were big on missionary work. But now they're hoping they can help this ward grow in time to help it stay its own. I know the feeling, it was a big change when our stake back home changed. It all went well, and we got to know so many new incredible people because of it, but it's a scary thought to consider things being different, or losing friends. Not sure what will happen, but they don't feel like they have much time. So, we're helping them. This is their home, and we'll do everything we can to help them.
Never a boring week here. I dare say my letters must get old though. Either way, I love you guys. You mean the world to me. Fun Korean fact: Old people are intense. We did a service project to feed older people at a park (retired kind of thing, not much to do, wanted to give them something to go to), and as part of it, they asked us to help keep the line organized. Not. Possible. They're rather good at pushing and shoving to get through people... Scary. But it was fun. We set up, helped take food to people who couldn't get it themselves (wheelchairs, etc), cleaned up and took down. Good chance to talk with people. ^^ Service is better than candy.
Plus this week is 추석, which means that time is different. We email and shop today because things will be shut down, but our p-day is thursday and we've got meetings before and after because twice a year for 추석  and 설날 all of Korea becomes a ghost town. You can't see Anyone. Makes missionary work interesting.
About out of time, but I love you! Have a good week!
~Elder Robarts

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