Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014.01.19 email

Dear home,

Another whirlwind goes into the books. This was a good week. The sisters had a Baptism, so I got to meet with their investigator for the Baptismal interview. She is about 12 in American age, but she's so mature. When she prayed, it was one of the most sincere prayers I've heard. Simple, but strong. Definitely well prepared for Baptism. She got baptised this Sunday, and the service was really spiritual.
Outside of that too, it was great, Lot's of cool miracles, a couple new faces, and little surprises that keep life interesting.

So, this week was transfer week, and Elder Keyser and I get to serve together another transfer. Only one missionary transfered in my district, and he was a missionary I've served together with over half of my mission. Awesome guy, and a fireball of a missionary. The new Zone Leader that came in is awesome too. He seems really receptive to the spirit, and a fun personality. Looking forward to working with him, as well Elder Keyser again.

After that, we had a really good testimony meeting for the end of the BoM reading activity. Our District did one together, then we had a conference call testimony meeting with the rest of the zone. It was a really fast transfer it felt like, but we all learned a lot.

Had a mini Christmas this week too. A while back, I ordered a copy of PMG in Kor/Eng (side by side), and it came this week after MLC. As I've been reading it, it's been really useful for studying, and a couple other thoughts have been coming to mind as I've been using it, one of which is using it when meeting or teaching lessons with members. In the past, my Korean one has been to big and bulky so we couldn't do it, but I think it'll be a really good help. So much we
can get out of it, I want to be able to share that with members more.

 Met an awesome family last week. Found them tracting, and I love them a lot. I think I mentioned them last time. No religion, but open minded. And really nice. This past time we talked about how the Gospel blesses our families, and how knowing about God will help them. Shared about prayer, and they seemed to accept it really well. Kind of funny news though. The Mom is leaving to go to Hawaii for a month to train horses. ...Kind of took us by surprise. Jealous? In another world, I might be, but to be honest, I'm just sad I won't be able to meet them very much. Still have another chance to meet them though. We're hoping
to leave them with something so they can keep searching while they're away.

I love you all. You're the best. I miss you a lot, but I'm glad I can still hear from you and write to you. The wonders of modern technology are a beautiful thing.

Gotta run, but Elder Keyser and I went hiking up in a mountain this morning, so I'll try to send pictures. Love you! Have a good week!

~Elder Robarts

Check that. This computer has a wall between me and the USP port. It wins this round... Pictures next time. ^^

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