Sunday, January 26, 2014

email 2014.01.26

Dear Home,

What a crazy week. So, it's not really p-day today. This week is 설날, or New Years, which is a pretty big thing here. Mostly for families, so usually missionaries aren't involved much, but for the three days around the holiday itself, most of Korea shuts down, including the places we shop or email. So, we're taking care of that now, but the rest waits until Friday this week. Lot's of meetings this week.

It's been a good week here. Not a lot of news, but things are going well. I've been in this area for a while now (Over six months), so I'm starting to run out of creative ideas to try. Been digging up some old ideas though. Started using fliers for English class again. Lot's of results there, but mostly women for some reason. Referrals for the sister missionaries. ^^ Also started looking for a lot more less actives this week. Met a couple really nice people and got to talk for a bit. The main thing is that everyone is simply so busy, it's hard to meet them at a good time. It's the people we meet on the street while traveling that I like the most. I love how many people the Lord is preparing to receive this message.

This Sunday we had an awesome meeting Sunday with our Stake President. (He has a meeting with all the missionary leaders in the stake once a transfer) Had a great talk with him, as well as an area Seventy member that was visiting as well. Lots of new ideas came up, and we've been asked to discuss it more in upcoming district/zone meetings. I absolutely love this Stake. I've never met such an involved Stake President. He meets with everyone, knows the conditions of pretty much every ward in the stake, from missionary work on our end, on the ward's end, as well as every other auxiliary from the sound of it. He's poured his whole soul into this work, and it really shows. I've never seen so much fire about this work before. There's always change, always one more method we can try. One more step. At first it was just overwhelming, but now it's incredible.

Not much time today. Gotta run so we can get back to work, but I love you guys. Take care, have a great new years, and I'll talk to you again soon!
~Elder Robarts

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