Sunday, June 1, 2014


Dear home,

That was one the most amazing weekends of my life! It was so packed and crazy I don't know where to begin. Since last pday, we saw a lot of miracles. Visiting Less Actives that asked us to talk with some people they know, met a couple investigators that were able to come see an Apostle (more later), had a great combined district meeting, and spent the weekend with events in three different cities, all of which have become close to home for me.

It's a shame really. There were a lot of cool miracles, but I can only think to write about when we learned when Christofferson came... He answered so many questions I had brought with me. Everything he talked about was what I needed to hear. He talked about relying on the Lord, turning to him in all things. Another speaker talked about how we need to help our investigators understand that as well. Help them understand who god is. What our relationship is with him. He talked about how all Gospel knowledge is founded on an understanding of God, and the Godhead. If you look closely, the 1st lesson talks about each. The beginning teaches about God, the middle teaches about Christ, and final part teaches about the Holy Ghost. They are the first key doctrine. Faith in them, and who they are. No coincidence that that is what composes the 1st article of faith.

I feel so spoiled. Granted, we had to spend about 100 dollars with travel or what not, so I'm deep into savings for a while, but I'll never forget this weekend. We got to see him twice! First with the missionaries, then with our Stake for the dedication of our new stake center. (Which, by the way, is MASSIVE. Only one building I've ever seen rivals it. Elk Grove's vintage park building. I don't know which is bigger. But this thing is designed to hold a lot of really large wards.) It'll change things a lot. Before, members often walked to church. There used to be 4 buildings that this one is replacing. The distance to some member's houses is a lot bigger now. I wonder what will happen, but it is a lot more capable of expanding the church now. A lot of the old buildings were too small. And member missionary work has been big here for a long time now. I'm excited to see how it continues to progress. Next step is a Temple in Gwangju!

But when Elder Christofferson came to our stake, we had to investigators come, and as we were walking, we saw him get out of the elevator, so they both got to shake his hand. It was so awesome. Tons of people. Easily over a thousand people were there. More than I've ever seen gathered in one place. It's true. The work is hastening. He talked about it too. Said that with the completion of the new building, we've seen a lot of progress in this part of the world, but our Stake President was already looking ahead to when there would be a new Temple. He talked about the need to continue the work of Salvation. And the most urgent place, he said, was in our own home. Scriptures, prayer, family home evening. He knows it is not always easy, he even admitted at times to have dosed off during those things once or twice himself, but he testified of how powerful they really are. It was amazing.

I love this work. I feel like those two investigators can get baptized this transfer. And there was another and his friend that couldn't come because one injured his leg, but they're amazing too. The work is busy, and I love it. I'm sorry I've been so bad about post mission prep, but I'm in close to denial about it right now. I know that I'll be coming home the weekend of the 14th, but I'd recommend contacting the office for more information.

I'll be sure to bring my study journal next week. I feel like I don't stand a chance of writing any of it more now... The church is true. The spirit I felt this weekend was so strong. Hearing an Apostle, seeing saints, and feeling the difference in the room after the dedicatory prayer. It felt like a chapel... I love this message so much. We are children of God. He is involved in our lives, and he loves us more than we can possibly comprehend.

I love you all, and I can't wait to share more next time. As it is, I'm almost out of time.

Until next time!

~Elder Robarts

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