Sunday, May 19, 2013

2013.05.19 email

Dear Home,
Wooh, super exciting news. But tiring. First off, I got the package you guys sent! Thank you so much! The smell alone is incredible. ^^ And I've been using the garlic salt a lot with potatoes... Happy camper.
But this week has been insane. We've been so busy, especially with visiting less actives. I've been trying to focus on that more. Last week we had seven different meetings with LA's in our ward, and there are some guys we're trying to work with more. Lots of desire, just having trouble with that first step. Super tired though. We've had to RUN back to the apartment most nights this week. Usually get done with planning pretty late, what with calls and what not. I feel terrible that I can't write more. I barely have time to write in my journal, let alone read letters, or much less respond. Trying to fix that.  I've missed journal half the nights this week just because there's so much going on. But I'm loving it. Elder Lee is so great. He's great at piano, built like a tank, can run like the wind. ...I'm exhausted. But I'm trying to wear him down a bit. Give his shoes some use. And so far we've done pretty well. Lots of adventures, lots of bizarre things. Lot's of miracles too. I'll do some pictures first, then move to the rest.
(pictures on Facebook)

I love you guys so much! I'm exhausted, but this work is awesome, We're having some great times out here. By the end of the day, both Elder Lee and I are run ragged, but all in the best ways. Staying active, meetings some cool people.
One day I promise I'll get writing again. Just know that what you guys are getting is about what makes it to my journal, amount wise. I don't know where to stretch time any more. Almost out of those spots. But I'll see what I can do. How are things back home? I heard that Sister Monson passed away. That's so sad, but I know it's not a permanent thing. Such a strange mixture of emotions that come with death, especially with our beliefs on where we go hereafter.
I'm just very grateful for my personal testimony of the Temple. There's nothing that can overcome the Temple. I miss it more than anything, but there's a picture of me and Mom in front of the Temple that I have on my desk that I can see everyday. Gives me a lot of strength.
Gotta wrap up, but I love you! PS: I know this is weird, but the computer randomly doesn't type some letters. Hope this makes sense. I try to catch it when it happens.
It was great talking to all of you! And the package was incredible, I use it a lot! ^^
As always, I'll try to do more. Just know that I am trying. Free time gets eaten a lot here. But I love my comp. He's the best.
~Elder Robarts

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