Monday, May 13, 2013

from one of Elder Robarts' MTC companions

Hello Sister Robarts!
     I've been meaning to write you a long time about your son. He is an amazing young man. Then are his mother. So, I am sure you are aware of how awesome Ben Robarts really is. Like he said, our time at the MTC was "short" but really, we spent the maximum time possible any elders could spend together in the MTC. Between the dining hall, classroom, and dorm room, I probably spent more combined time with Elder Robarts than some of my best friends.
     There were few dull moments spent with "Robarts". He has so many awesome talents and abilities. At the same time, he is so humble about them! One of my favorite things in the MTC was being on my toes, waiting to see what new thing Elder Robarts would reveal about himself. Things like, his sketch books, Sense of humor, wise views on the world, temple traditions, and my personal favorite... The ability to play Beverly Hills Cop on the piano flawlessly. Of course, those are just a few, but they are some of my favorites.
     One of my favorite things about Elder Robarts was his incredible ability to FOCUS. And not only stay focused on a particular item, but go back and forth between several things and just stayed extremely focused. For instance... Every morning Right when the Alarm went off, Elder Robarts would roll over, (he slept on the floor 90% of the time haha), say a prayer, get out his flashlight, and start studying Korean. That all happens in about 3 minutes. Now, I don't know about you but in the first 3 minutes of my Morning, I'm hitting the "snooze" button for about the second time. Also, our class/district was always super close. And sadly, we could very easily get off task. Elder Robarts however, could manage to Study the Gospel/Korean, and still chime in on our conversations from time to time, unfazed. While the rest of the class was behind, He had gotten his work done, and had a little bit of fun along the way.
     My favorite thing about Elder Robarts is his Christlike ability to completely forget himself. He lives to make sure others are taken care of. In the District, Elder Robarts and his companion Elder Forbes were definitely the "Shepard's" of the group. They kept everyone together, and kept the stress low. Elder Robarts made sure to write all of his family members and friends. Even if it meant sacrificing huge amounts of study time. Nevertheless, he always made it happen. (His letter to me is a good example). The first week of the mission he stayed up late at night, flashlight in hand, writing letters to everyone he possibly could.. During week two, we were informed that staying up was a no no in the MTC. Therefore, Elder Robarts shifted his schedule to wake up early (sometimes 5 am) To write home. On top of that, he would study, pray, and basically be ready to go for the day much before our entire floor even woke up. It could easily be debated that Elder Robarts is Part human/part machine. But, despite his personal "machine-like" drive, he never lost his mentality that it is 100% about others. At the end of our MTC experience, we had to teach our "progressing investigators" that we "baptized" for the last time. They were fake investigators. They were our teachers. Still, it didn't stop Elder Robarts from crying the last time he got to teach them. You might think..why cry? these people are fake! Elder Robarts had just gained so much love and respect for the characters that our teachers merely portrayed, that it was difficult for him to leave them. He views everyone he associates like a Child of God, and treats them that way also. His passion for the message, and love for others still inspires me daily.
     So... I have officially ranted. But I just want you to know that you have raised an amazing son. I think the world of him, and he will be one of my role-models for the rest of my life. Thank you for posting his weekly updates, and thank you for sending me his letter.
        Scott Gerszewski

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