Monday, October 7, 2013

2013.10.07 email

Snap. So, I downloaded conference. (Funny, it practically just ended.. Time warp, my friend.) So I should be able to listen to it this week before the broadcast here. Not guilty. But with that, and an exceptionally long letter to Pres. (Good week this week), I've got... No time.
So, today we did a group hike up to a really cool mountain. Pictures to come. But mainly, we saw miracles this week. Mostly revolving around one family.

I can't begin to describe them. I've felt close to them almost the instant I got here. They're a powerful family. Always doing missionary work. They've introduced some 10 or so people to missionaries already and preparing tons more. Everytime we visit them, we end up talking to someone, whether its a package delivery guy, a restaurant owner... They're amazing. And the spirit is strong there. Every time we visit them, the spirit is so strong, and we see so many miracles on the street after.

Anyway, I'll have to explain more later. But they're the best. And last week, they shared an experience with us. They said that they're really come to trust us as missionaries, and it started through service. They're building a house, so we've helped a couple times there. They said that the way we acted when we served really impressed them. It was super hot weather, one of the hotter of Korea's summers, but we were always happy. Excited to work. The mom said that she had a deep impression from that. She wanted to find more people to share the Gospel with. (They were already pros...) I love that family. They're kids are the best, one of them taught me how to make a snake out of my hands, so we try to eat each other when we see each other. The other is just plain awesome. Does some magic tricks, I showed him some origami. We're buds. But the spirit is a constant thing there. It's amazing. Everytime we've visited, we've found someone on the street we could teach. I know it's because of the spirit we carried from there. It's impossible to describe...

I'll try to talk about this week next week. I'll make notes. But I love you! (You've got prophets for crying out loud, one week without me won't kill you...:P)

Love you!
~Elder Robarts

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