Sunday, April 20, 2014


Dear home,

I love missionary work, it teaches you so much, and allows your spirit to be so much more enlarged for the welfare of others.

Probably the hardest thing about being a missionary is that you are always thinking about so many different things. And the hard part is, often you cannot say that one is more important than another. At the moment, that is what I am focusing on. When you are led by the spirit you never have to worry, but so often you are following promptings and thinking about one thing and another will come up. You really have to stay in tune not to miss something. But the great thing is the promise that if we do our all, the Lord will support us and not let us fail.

(Explanation needed: I found out that I can type on my translator, which means I can draft letters before I come to the computer.)
One problem with this is that its a little broken up, and the punctuation is hard to access. Korean doesn't really use punctuation much.  (For example, while typing, I can't put in apostrophes, commas, or periods. Try counting how many were in that last sentence. :D Two ways to get around. Leave them out and put in later [Not a good idea] or think about what punctuation you need before writing the sentence, put those in, and then type into the appropriate spots. That is what I'm trying now. Haha, just wanted you to be aware of the sacrifice.)

Back to the spiritual note:
This last week I have been thinking a lot about testimony. Thinking about missionary work, I remember a quote that said that home teaching and missionary work is the same, one for members, one for non members. It is a pretty cool work really. All we do is help people build their testimonies. Because of that, I have been thinking about how we build our testimonies. One talk from GC mentioned how we can come to know about something through Study, experimenting for yourself, and praying for revelation from God. I loved that. To me, a couple other thoughts about conversion come to mind. What do we need in order to receive conversion? To me,the answer came to Desire, Willingness, and Trust. Throughout my mission, I've focused on helping others build these three things. All of us are lacking in one or the other. But we can always grow.

What I've learned also is that missionary work isn't reliant on who you are teaching. It can be a member, non member, less active, or other missionaries. We all need the healing power of the Atonement. I guess our own personal progression is sharing the gospel in a sorts. We share with ourself.

I know that God lives. I know that he is aware of us. I know that as we do our best, we are led. These days, I have a lot on my mind. There seem to be many that require the Gospel, as well as a friend. As an interesting coincidence (tell me if you believe in those, I've come to think they don't exist) our mission has begun a 40 day fast again. Purification and preparing for Elder Christofferson who comes next month to our mission. I've realized over the past week some other things I need to be doing. I've decided to change my studies for a while, as well as to fast once a week to help recognize and follow the spirit. As well as for others that need extra prayers.

The simple truths of the Gospel are the most strong to me these days. God is our father. I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting this week. (I've gotten a lot of those here. Love this ward.^^) The topic was God's love. The thought came that if you feel God's love, you will feel happy. No matter what, you will be okay. A lot of people in the world struggle with that. They need the news this Gospel brings, and the very first principle we teach is that God is our Father, and that he loves us. Everything else is supportive of that fact.

I love you all. I think of you often and pray for you daily. Have a good week, and I'll have more next time. ^^

~Elder Robarts

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