Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012.12.30 email and pictures

Dear Home,

Good news: I've got picture capability. Bad news: Letter time is getting shorter by the week. Sorry about that. But I suddenly learned something new about P-Days. They're time to form relationships with companions. You do a little during the week, but so often you only get a chance to talk about work. The things we can do to help the Lord's Kingdom.

Anyway, P-days are the chance to get to know each other, have memories and all that. Without a good relationship with your comp, missionary work dies. The spirit only comes when both of us are in gear, and we need it out here.

So, I might not have as much time to write. Gotta find a way around that. Maybe next companion I'll have more email time. Not sure. For now, I won't waste more time on it.

This week was a blast. I got to hear your voices! Pretty incredible. Far away, but not far enough not to feel you guys's love. Thanks for everything.

By the way, I'll try to pull out the christmas money today, might not do the shopping till later. As always, time is lacking. I'll get to it, I promise. And we've been thinking of how to do it. I might use the other gift money for a scarf. Think about it later...

Rest assured, I'm not neglected. I've got good people looking out for me, in every way I can say. And the members spoil us big time. In fact, President came by for interviews, we legitimately cooked a full on ham dinner for him. A member gave it to us. One of those honeyglazed ones, you know. Then I made some potatos au graten, (never thought I'd make that out here...) Elder Dyer is pretty good in the
kitchen, we did a lot of tag teaming for this one, it was legit.

Tons of food, love, miracles, etc. Pretty good. A little stress, a lot sometimes. But I'm good. Anyway, picture time.

~Elder Robarts

I love you guys so much.

Nice little place in Suwon We did a service project around there

Get this one to Anh and Ben. "I found Dorean" Ben will understand. =D

Yeah, we cooked a feast... I took a picture with all of in it with president too, but I accidently chopped myself out. You'll get that later.

My thankful chain this year. Thanks! I definitely want to do that again next year. It was a great way to relax at the end of a day.

he roof was locked, but I got this. It's a picture from our apartment. Yeah, compared to Korea, this is country side. I'll try to get a better "city" picture later. Hard when you can't do it while proselyting.

My very first district in the field. Pretty fun. It feels like ages ago. MTC? I feel like that was before I left home. A little weird.

My companion didn't want to get in the picture, so Elder Dyer Subed. Merry Christmas!

here you go. Us at a member's house. Merry christmas!

Maybe I'll end with this one. Kind of fun right? Might send this back with the next package. Trying to think who might be able to use it. Haha, came in handy though, but you won't see why for two years. I've got a nice video of a missionary act to share. 

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