Sunday, April 28, 2013

2013.04.28 email

Dear Home,

Yep, the sword got left by the missionary I killed. Gotta see if Elder E wants it. ^^ But one nice thing about people going home: you get to collect a lot of fun stuff.
I love this area! I don't want to leave! The transfer is almost over, and I'm crossing my fingers that I stay. We're teaching a legit golden family. They just need time. They're super nice, they've got awesome faith, they're open. They just need that chance to feel the spirit. To get that witness. I don't want to miss it, I've come to love them so much.
Anyway, I've been studying some fun stuff this week. In FSS, you've got Alma's talk to his sons. I actually really liked Shiblons. It was nice. Felt strong this time around. And of course, Alma 36 is my favorite, and 40-42ish has some awesome Plan of Salvation stuff. Loving it. Today I read about Moroni. I love reading about it from Mormon's depiction. You can really see why he named his own son after this guy. I'm a missionary, but I'll say it. Moroni was a stud.
I've also focused a lot on how to retain the people we meet and teach. We've met so many people this transfer. But so often we meet them once and they suddenly lose interest. Nothing new I suppose, but I've been working on it. It all goes back to finding their needs and helping them see the blessings of the Gospel. Easily said, hard to apply, but more fulfilling than anything else I've experienced when done right.
On a less important note, I've noticed something. I like hills, but I love mountains. Aren't really any here. And without them, the weather is different. Lot's of wind, lot's of sudden changes. Had a storm roll in last night. Huge thunder. Now it's sunny. Go figure. Fun though.
Other than that, life has gone about the same. Met some awesome new people this week, including a devot Roman Catholic. ( I was actually really grateful for what you wrote me about the new pope. We were able to have a really nice discussion about it.)
Anyway, I love you guys!
Gotta go though. Not much time. Until next week!

Love you though. Have a good one!
Elder Robarts

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