Sunday, April 21, 2013

email 2013.04.21

Dear Home,

We met this great family this week. Super strong faith, go to another church but are super open and they had questions about why there are so many churches. They /really/ liked the first lesson, and how honest our church is. (So many here are just at it for the money.)
I love those guys so much, I know they can accept this Gospel. All they need is that witness.
Which leads up to study. This week I've noticed a trend in Faith. Starting with Holland's Conference Talk (TANGENT: I love conference. I got the audio, and I've noticed that I love it. It's better than music. and I like music. So I've been listening to talks every morning at breakfast, little bites of revelation.) 
He talked so well about developing that faith. As a missionary, that means a lot. Especially with helping other people build that faith. How? Simple, Recognize what's already  there. Ask questions that make them think and share what they belief. Unearth that already existing faith. Then help them desire for more. Promise blessings. And show them how they can get help through prayer. So simple, but so easy to lose track of. Focus on that, and it'll work.
I love you guys. I wish I had more time. My comp doesn't need to write much, so it's hard to find time. I hate imposing. But I had some things I wanted  to say.
Don't worry about North Korea. We see and hear stuff sometimes, but no one is worried. It actually came up in ZC last time. Evacuation stuff, what to do in case of emergency. They just wanted us to let you know nothing is in trouble. NK got a new pres. SK too, and the yearly military test is underway. All three of those have been the cause of threats in the past, and now it's all three at once. Lots of threats, but not serious. It'll all blow over in a bit. Always does. In the meantime, we've got God on our side, we'll be fine.
On a lighter note, I've thought of a few things to put on a wishlist if you're curious about good things for packages. (DO NOT SEND ONE. This is future reference.) There isn't garlic salt here or vanilla. If there's a powder form of vanilla, that'd be great. And I've been thinking it'd be cool to have a tie with my family's names on it. So, if you need ideas, those are good, but seriously, don't send anything. I can see the prices on those things. Not worth it, I can feel your love either way.
Is that about it? I think so, 

Hopefully I'll get a letter written. Love you guys!
Till next week!
Elder Robarts

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