Sunday, April 7, 2013

email 2013.04.07

Yeah, this is one of the few times I'm behind. We haven't had Conference yet. Next week. But I'm looking forward to it!!
It's so awesome! So, basically it gets translated and sent as a DVD to each of the stakes here, we watch it together. So next week we'll be at the stake center, inviting investigators, you know the drill. Gotta remember to bring some ice cream. The 30cent ice cream here is the best...
Anyway, I've got a fun companion. Kind of a combination between Joe and Andrew. Math Genius, always working on these ideas for functions and what not, he's seen a lot of things I have, he knows about XKCD even (that's for you Joe) But it's fun. When we have down time it's fun to talk about ideas. Story and plot ideas, Andrew knows about my MtG (Magic the Gathering) spinnoff idea I kind of shelfed a while ago, but we've had a couple good conversations coming up with ideas for that.
But to be honest, we've been kind of busy. Lots of phone calls, lots of first meetings. We've met so many awesome people on the street... Hard to keep up. Thank goodness for Elder Park. My trainer was a pro at this. I didn't get it then, but I'm starting to see how he did it. Priorities...
Anyway, lot's of practice with first meetings. Super hard. Setting expectations isn't easy, especially in another language. I always had a Korean before. They made it comfortable at least, but here it's a little different. Lot's of practice.
Awesome people, no time to talk about all of them. But I wish I could.
GENERAL CONFERENCE! I'm so excited. But as for personal study and everything, yet again the Lord shows His hand. If you want to know what I'm doing here, follow our family scripture study. Almost every chapter I've seen something that's applied. Patience a while back, faith, and now Ammon and the gang showing us how HBT is done. Crazy. And I've found so many great scriptures for investigators from FSS (Family Scripture Study).
Love it.
But There's something I have to say that I don't think a few people will like. I've been starting to think a lot, and I'm starting to be able to see myself come back here in a couple years. Do some school, then come here to teach English and pay off some student loans, explore, study a little more. From the sounds of it, it pays really well, especially if you have the right degree and can speak Korean on top of it. It's.... tempting. But It'd be hard to be from home again. I'd have to find a way to visit. But that doesn't matter. Right now I'm a missionary. That stuff will all fall into place later. It's not what I need to focus on.
Fun fact, I'm now faster at texting in Korean than English. Their keypad is So much better...
Yep, love you guys. I promise I'll try to write more. Haven't had much chance lately. Didn't get a letter sent last week... Sorry. I need a bus where I don't have a list of people I need to call...
Anyway, that's it for now. Gotta go. Might be taking a trip up to that Buddhist temple again.
 Love you!

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