Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013.03.31 email

Dear Home,

Anyway, this new transfer is crazy. My new companion is Elder Esplin, my first American companion. He's pretty young in the mission, although technically two transfers older than me. Right now we're serving as "co-seniors" (Do they have those in the states? I wasn't sure if it was just a foreign language thing. Hadn't really heard much of it before.
Anyway, he's awesome. Lot's of faith, wants to work hard, like me still learning. Of the two of us, I think I feel a little more comfortable with the language and coordinating things, last transfer helped me a lot. It was hard not being able to work, but I definitely learned how to do it, and I got a lot of ideas to try. Between that and the fact that I've been in the area longer, I've been taking lead a lot, but we should be starting to find
We're seeing a lot of success right now. For the past four weeks, I've been praying hard for 유성  to do well, especially with how hard it was last transfer, but we've been seeing the floodgates open. In the past four days, we've places 6 copies of the BoM with people who were interested in learning more, received some odd 18 phone numbers to call and try to meet again, and had a ton of chances to testify of the Gospel.
Anyway, spiritual stuff:
Alma 15 has quickly become one of my favorites chapters. Zeezrom is awesome. But I love a comparison you can see here. Look at Alma 36 and Alma 15. Zeezrom is having a similar experience as Alma, only he didn't have quite the same knowledge of Christ. Look at what Alma says to him. He's not just talking to him. He's speaking from experience. Just plain incredible. I wish I could share so much more, but alas, I have no time.
Also, I ran out of pages in my study journal. Gotta start a new one. Figure it's a good chance to review what I've learned. When sharing the Gospel, it's important to focus on three things. Catch their interest, bear personal testimony, and invite them to action. You do that, and they'll feel something. I've seen it. In the past four days, I've seen it /a lot/. Yuseong is on fire. :D
This transfer is going to be so much fun. So far, I've always had Korean companions. Hard to help out sometimes, but lately I've had so many opportunities to take lead more. I learned something. I'm not scared of Korea. A couple days ago, I took us into a part of our area I've never been before. We have no maps of. And in this crazy amazing place we call Korea, we found everything. I finally feel like I know how this place works. I can communicate, ask questions, find things. It's incredible. I don't feel like a greeny anymore. The Lord has been helping us so much. If you rely on Him, everything is okay. ^^
Yeah, not much time. Another companion that's fast at emails, and he's already had to wait a little. Love you guys, I'll try to write more soon!
Yuseong is seeing miracles. Possibly the biggest one I've seen on my mission. So incredible.
PS: Took part in a Priesthood blessing in Korean, I performed the annointing, and I had an incredible experience.It was another language, but it was the same. That coursing feeling, like your veins are alive... Impossible to describe. But the Priesthood is very real. Yet again, I wish I could share...
So much. The spirit is on fire here. But the work calls. See you guys soon!
~Elder Robarts

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