Wow! What a week. A long one, and one with a rough ending. There's
someone we're meeting with that we're really concerned about. I won't go
into it, but if you could keep our friends in your prayers, I would
appreciate it.
Dear Home,
This week was yet
another missionary emotional roller coaster. Met an awesome family whose
son is a GENIUS. Liked reading books since he was a kid. Self taught
himself guitar, art, English, probably more. And he's good at them all.
Especially English. ONLY book study, yet there's no accent, his feel of
natural grammar is amazing... He's pretty much fluent. And such a cool
kid. Likes going to church. ^^ We're trying to set up FHE with them and
another family from the ward. ^^
Some hard times too, but we won't dwell on it. The Lord
is with us. And transfers came. Nothing happened. Elder Lee and I are
in for another super short transfer. Man I love this place. We've been
having so much fun. Elder Lee is great with the guitar, and we found a
damaged one in the streets. So we took it, cleaned it up, got it strung,
and we've had it everywhere with us. So good for building relationships
with people. Note to preparing missionaries: LEARN AN INSTRUMENT. It
will serve you well.
I love you guys. Life is crazy here. Meeting tons of
new people, including one whose English name is Jack Sparrow. An MC for
disabled centers. Awesome guy, looking for God. Another who is a manager
at one of these construction sites. Wants to show us around. Apparently
has seen missionaries on the street quite a bit. ^^
I love this work. It's real. It's exciting. But I should probably get going pretty soon. Pictures took longer than I thought.
hope everyone is doing well. I know here, I've been feeling more and
more at home, but I still think of my real home a lot. Mostly people. So
much can change in such a short time. I don't believe it's almost been a
year... Gotta give it my all. Love you guys! Till next time!
~Elder Robarts
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