Sunday, June 2, 2013

emai 2013.06.02

Dear Home,
   Elder Robarts just got smart. Copying part of my President letter. Saving time for the win.
   That was one crazy week. We had a ton of miracles with people being able to be contacted. There has been a small stack we've been working with that have basically just been unable to talk on the phone long enough to meet. But we talked with a lot of them, and set up a ton of appointments to meet. We've been pretty busy lately. Usually we have a couple appointments a day, and on the weekend we were pushing it pretty close. Going in, we had five appointments planned with investigators, four of which had members coming, along with English Class and a Service project, all in one day. We needed a member split just to make it work. That's where things went crazy. Every single appointment cancelled. The members were all set, the split was figured out, we just had a crazy string of bad luck. Twenty minutes before each appointment, everyone said something came up. Work, school, getting in late. It was a humbling day, but we saw a miracle. With all those appointments falling through, we were able to spend a little time on the street. And we met someone we needed to.
   Here's his story: We're talking to some other guys who wasn't interested, but this new person heard us talking and stopped. Once we said bye to the first person, he said hello. At first, he just asked an english question about some song lyrics he'd heard, but it soon went so much deeper.
   He said he'd moved back to Korea 3 months before after spending some time with his son who lives in the States. His wife passed away a long time ago, and his relationship with his only son is really hard right now. His son didn't want him to go back to Korea, stopped answering calls. Every week this man has been going out and drinking himself into oblivion just to make himself feel better. That day he made a decision to change. He wanted to go back to church, he wanted to give up drinking. Then he saw us. Same day from the sound of it. He saw us and commented on our smiles. He asked if he could come to church with us.
He lives alone here. He needs a friend, but even more he needs the peace the Gospel brings. Saturday we had five appointments fall through. I have no doubt in my mind that it was so we could find him. He came to church the next day.He wants to meet us again. Wants to come out to activities. I don't really know how to describe it as anything other than a miracle.
   We've met so many incredible people here. I can't believe it. I don't want to leave this place. I feel like the windows of heaven are opening. There are days we're so busy there is honestly no time to hit the streets. I want this to keep going. I love this work so much. I love the souls we're meeting. Thank you.   
   Thank you so much for sending me to 유성. I have no doubt this is where I'm meant to be.
   Yeah, save so much time..
   Even better. I've got friends on missions I can't write very much, and since they left, they can't read these weekly letters. This should work very fancy. ^^
   Anywho, I LOVE THIS PLACE. I'm dying here. My body is at its limit, but we're doing great. I've felt the spirit so strongly here. It's undeniable.
   I love you guys too. I pray for you often. I forget sometimes how much is going on in the rest of the world. But I love your letters, your words of encouragement. It gives me strength, even if it may sit unopened for a day or two while I fight for time to read it. But I'm pushing. I'm fighting for that journal time. I need it. It gives me inspiration for my investigators. I've been excited before, but I'm pretty sure a lot of these people will be baptized. The adversary is fighting hard though. So often we're physically unable to meet. He doesn't want them to hear this message. But this work cannot be stopped.
   This week was exhausting, and this week looks similar. We need to call potentials, but half the time we don't have time to meet. I'm already cutting Elder Lee short on study time a lot of days. I feel bad about that. I know how crucial it is. But the work is on fire.
   I might try to get some pictures in, then I'll get my journals out and see what I forgot.
~Elder Robarts
   Pretty intense. Usually our days are pretty good. A couple teaching appointments, a little street time. Not bad.
   But as for study: I've been seeing a lot of Satan's tactics through reading the BoM. The Lamanites and the Nephites had some nasty wars, but the obvious large intimidating Lamanites weren't what wiped the Nephites. It was the Gadianton Robbers. Those knife in the dark, less easily seen enemies. Most people won't kill anyone or something like that. But how many of us have those thoughts that we're not good enough? Or that God doesn't care? Or that little thingsdon't matter. Stuff to watch out for, that's for sure.
   Also, training has helped me see where I personally have grown. Looking at those check your progress things again with Elder Lee, a went back to find my greeny ones, and it was cool to see how things have changed.
   (Yep, we're in Korea. A monk just walked into the cafe hitting this little wooden thing... Not sure what it means, but it was pretty cool.)
   Where was I? Point is, look back. See where you've grown. ^^ Also, Saturday taught me a lot. Every time an appointment falls through, assume there's somewhere He needs you to be. Someone He needs you to find.
   Have a good one guys. Congratulations to people getting married and going on missions, happy birthday to people getting older, lots of love. I'll try to write more later. Bye!
~Elder Robarts

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