Sunday, August 4, 2013

2013.08.04 email

I don't even know where to begin...
Well, things are blown wide open now. If I thought I was ever busy before, that is all in the past now. I'm SWAMPED. I just got transfered to a awesome Ward in 광주 [Gwangju] Stake called 풍향 [Wind (?)]. And let me just say, it's exciting. This stake is exploding with new ideas about missionary work. The members are waking up. And it calls for so much new work on our part. Essentially, the Stake President has challenged everyone to introduce people to the missionaries. There's so much of that going around, our mission president is really pushing for more work within the ward. The biggest challenge is adjusting.
Pretty much everything is different than a week ago. Before, I knew every inch of my ward and practically every member. We were working with about 15 investigators and barely had time enough for study, let alone much other work outside. Now things are different. No investigators, no potentials except the ones we found when we got here, and I have very little information about members or the area. From the sounds of it, the past missionaries didn't have a whole lot of Trust with the ward. Possibly why President pulled so many out. Needs fresh people so the members actually feel comfortable introducing people to us like the stake is asking. Not sure, but intense. Things are moving fast here. I dropped in with my new companion, Elder Jensen, fresh in Korea, and I couldn't find a whole lot of records as to who I should be working with. I actually spent most of today organizing records so we could try to head out and tackle some less active work.
I'm not going to lie, it's stretching a little. I'm not used to not having investigators. It's a little scary, especially when I know so little about this area. I want to work with the members, but we need to be finding on our own if we want to show that we're really willing to work. This will be an incredible area though. We'll take it by storm. It may take time, but I'm excited. I am sorry I can't write more. I honestly can't afford to step away from the work right now. Not until I know this area better and I have relationships with the members.
I love you all dearly. I miss you a lot. But I know this work is true. I wouldn't embrace this stress if I didn't know that. Because it's not really stress. It's losing myself in the work. And I can't wait to see what the Lord's play is for this area. We've got to win back the trust of the ward. If we do, missionary work will SURGE. The Stake President sees it. President Shin sees it. Now it's up to us.
Until next time!
~Elder Robarts

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