Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013.12.15 email

love you guys. It's been a crazy week, but here are the highlights.

Our zone is reading the BoM in its entirety this transfer. We just finished Purification, a self examination of ourselves and letting go anything that takes away from the work. This transfer is filling in those holes with the spirit, especially through the Book of Mormon. Since starting, so many promptings have come of how we can use it. Making time to share things we learn. But even more, a way to use it on the street. Every morning I write scriptures that hit me. Then I choose one or two to share on the street. One thing I noticed. People are /really/ willing to listen when we ask if we can share something we learned. And that leads perfectly into a discussion of the Gospel. Lots of miracles there.

Also, an old investigator came to church this week! He's been a miracle since the day we met him. But after church, we talked with him, and he said he still wants to get baptized. He's spending the week thinking about when he feels he'll be ready. We know he is though. We're so excited for him.

There's so much more to share, but I'm out of time. Since I became DL, emailing president takes a little more time. Discussing needs in Korean takes a while... I love you guys though! I'll try to get back into writing hard letters, but I have no idea when. I'm hoping you'll forgive me. I look forward to hearing you next week! Have a great one! Love you!

~Elder Robarts

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