Sunday, December 22, 2013

2013.12.22 email

New email place, and I'll say this: It has very nice chairs...

Now that that's out of the way... IT'S CHRISTMAS! (Almost)

I love this work. My head hasn't stopped spinning since I got here really. There's always a person to help, a new method to try. Recently, we've been thinking about what we have to do in order to help people come unto Christ. A thought that I've been thinking about a lot this week is follow up visits. I've said it before. This is Korea, and people are BUSY. We're lucky to meet them once a week. Daily contact isn't usually possible. Since there is no time, follow up visits are hard to manage, but we've been thinking about their importance. Lessons allow us to share testimony, but in all reality, these follow up visits are solely meant to Build Theirs. We've been trying ways to include those, including alternating lessons and follow ups each time we meet, and there seems to be a difference. People are making life changing decisions. It helps to give them time to share, without other expectations.

But I won't go super deep into it. That's just one of the focuses for our district recently.

Seriously though, it's Christmas! What a blessing it is to know that a Baby was born to save the world.  To be completely honest, it's hard for me to picture Christ as a baby. I've thought about that time, and I've thought about the time of the second coming, but the most distinct image I have of Him in my mind was during his mortal life. His example and sacrifice. His love for everyone who came to Him. The Atonement. It leaves such a strong impression that it's hard to comprehend that it all started in a manger. But it did. He is the Savior of the World, but He calls no glory to Himself. His desires were always for others.

And for two short years, I get to share it with everyone I meet. That's what I'm grateful for.

So, With Christmas, I suppose there are some things to mention. I'll try to call 10am on Christmas here. That's some time in the evening Christmas eve there. I can't remember what all is necessary for the conference call (might not work with the number I'm using), so I'm guessing I'll have to use separate calls. I'm looking forward to it though. It's been a while since I've heard your voices. Yep, it'll be short, but it'll be good. Let's try not to stress over it though. We know we won't be able to share everything. It's not really what it's meant for. (we can always write letters, right? ^^) It's just to get a chance to talk. A little soul to soul action. 

Needless to say, it'll be good. I love you guys. I've grown to love so many people and places here, but I'll always remember my home. I think about you almost as often as the people I'm working with here, and I pray for you with all my heart.

Coolest thing this week: Taught a woman on the train for two hours last week on the way to the Christmas party up in Daejeon. She used to go to church, but stopped going. We got to talking about her family, and we talked about the Plan of Salvation and the Restoration. She seemed genuinely interested in it, and said she would read the Book of Mormon. Here's the fun part. Turns out she lives in our area. So we said we'd love to talk again, and she said she might come to our ward christmas party. ^^ Keep your arms folded! (Mormon twist on keep your fingers crossed. Sorry, I'm losing my jokes...)

The Christmas party was good. Had a white elephant exchange. Got a santa puppet. Got to see some old friends and listen to amazing music. Good times. Anyway, almost out of time, so time for pictures. Do I even have any? I'll have to check. Love you!

~Elder Robarts

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