Sunday, March 16, 2014

email 2013.03.16

Hey all!

What a fun week. Started with cleaning our apartment.^^ At the same time trying to figure out transfering music between music players. Didn't work. But that's okay, because our house is still super clean.^^

This week, I've continued to learn the joys of sticky notes, paper, and other various things to help me remember things when my poor brain is too dumb to keep track. Plus, this week I started up my member texts again. In 풍향 we sent a text to all the members once or twice a week with a simple thought and testimony. I've wanted to do it here since I got here, but it took a while to set up the phone. I need to set members into a separate group so I can send a bulk text. At the same time I wanted to input family names and addresses, just information that we might need later. (Blessings on address books...) I go through that, then we switch phones and I start over. Haha. But I got most figured out, and I was able to send a few out this week. Man I love them. It's such a simple way to show our love and thought for them, and for those that live far away, it gives us a way to make a difference. Build relationships. Even just brighten someones day.

We've also been working on message cards. Picture will be included later. But I'm pretty happy with them. We brainstormed a lot. Fun thing, it even has a place for a secret message. Pretty fancy.

Life has been fairly simple really. Lots of miracles, we met a couple new investigators that have tons of interest in the Gospel, lots of potential. One just got back from serving in the military, one is a math teacher who's family is atheist but his wife's family is strong Christian. Interesting conversations at their family gatherings. But he's super open to both. He's studied a lot of different religions, and so far what we've taught has all agreed with what he's personally felt or thought. Super awesome guy.

Some random things that have happened include me moving the family pictures that were on my desk to the window. It's set up now so that I have my missionary work information at easy glance, but I can slide the window out to see the pictures. Convenience that still lets me focus when I need to.^^ Props to Miriam and Joe though. I found out how to use the sticky things they sent. I'll be honest, with the new rule that we can't tape things to walls, I wasn't sure how to use them, but Miriam's mounting stickies I've used to hang a metal... thing, and put up pictures on the window. (That's fair game. It's a matter of ruining wallpaper in rented apartments...) But the best use was for the map. Usually maps are taped to the wall. No longer an option, but I found a loophole. The crownmolding is okay. Problem, tape it too weak with such a small area. The poster stickers though... Those were great. As for Joe's sticky squares, they're perfect for the message cards. We half laminated them with this stuff called 시트지 (not sure if it exists in America. Clear, sticky plastic you can put over things. Oh so useful...) but that lamination made it so tape didn't stick well. We wanted to put an origami shirt on it, and the squares we strong enough that it doesn't come off. A little too strong actually, but that's okay. Just don't mess up when you're putting it on.

Is that about it for this week? Might be. Wait, no, it's not. I got to give a talk in sacrament meeting this week. That was fun. In most wards, missionaries just give a talk when they first come, but that's it. Here every now and them we give talks too. Mine was on Eternal Families. Score. Temple time. I loved it. Yet another thing to love about this area.

I'm sure there's more, but I forget. I love you all, I wish you the best. Thanks for all the support and love. Have a good week!

~Elder Robarts

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