Sunday, March 2, 2014


Dear Home,

I've been transferred to the most beautiful place on earth...

I'm now serving in MokPo 목포, a wonderful patch of heaven right on the coast of Korea. I've slowly made my way south since I got here, and now I'm at the tip. The members are incredible, my companion is a stud and an incredible missionary, and I'm super excited for this transfer.

It was hard to leave 풍향, the last visits with members took a LOT out of me. I couldn't hold back tears with one, and I was close to it with the others. But the bright side is we're still in the same stake. I'll see them at Stake and General Conference probably. And in the meantime, there's a lot to do here.

I feel like I was meant to come here. I feel like we can help the people here a lot, and there are some people we were meant to talk to. One example happened Saturday. An investigator of the sisters, a 50 year old English Teacher who has been super sick this last week. His phone was dead, so there was little communication, he had to use a pay phone. He was nervous of some hospitals here... It was a miracle just finding him. We had the name of a cafe that he said was near a weird building and a hospital, and we knew where he had been a while before. So we go looking for him, say a prayer, and the very first person knew where it was.

Turns out he's from Sacramento and has been missing it a lot since getting sick. We talked about Sutter's Fort, The American River... Elder Williams is a Pre Med too, so he talked him through the symptoms he's having. Really helped calm him down. So we offered to give a blessing if he needs one, as well as translation, and Elder Williams left him with some advice of what to do if his condition doesn't improve.

There's no way you can call that coincidence... God knows His children.

I'm in love with this place. I haven't seen the ocean since I got to Korea, now I can see it from my house. Every member we meet becomes my favorite. There's nothing I don't like about this place.

You're all the best. I love you so much. Now I've gotta run, but I'm thinking of you all!

~Elder Robarts (Now 로바츠 장로. Easier to remember. And it technically sounds closer.)

Fun tricks I've learned: These mean nothing unless you serve here, I'm sure, but I wrote them a while back and they've helped a ton since moving here.

Ask the missionaries to send a list of leadership names so you can learn them before arriving to the area.

Plug addresses and family relationships into the phone so you can memorize names faster.

Send a mass text to the ward before Sunday so they know who you are

Cram with the member book so you can greet them by name. I forgot a ton of them, but I managed about 85%. I felt a little proud about that. Probably more than I should... But the members here are super worth the effort.

Ask for a Calling list, LA list, and Birthdays list so you can work more with the ward.

Call Bishop and Ward mission leader first day in the area.

Does that mean anything? Probably not to most people, but it's been what has been going through my head for the past week.

Now I'm out of time.

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