Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Dear Home,

Lots to go over, no time. My companion is already done, but the guy I was waiting for for a computer went over time. Anyway, let's see what I can get through. A lot of it can wait for the hard copy, but there's a lot that I really liked.

I'm becoming very accustomed to Korean culture now, the more I'm here. The whole passing things with two hands is almost second nature now. I really like it. I've started sleeping on the floor too, and to be honest, it's almost more comfortable. Reminds me of all those nights having sleepovers in the front room. Do I feel a little silly making my bed every day and then ripping it off to sleep on the floor? Maybe, but it's worth it.

I wish I could say the same about the language. I can hold a lesson without notes fairly easily now, and I'm getting better at building sentences on the spot, but I wish I had more vocab, I'm still looking for the system that works for me.

There were a couple rough patches this week. Some illnesses are going around. One day was pretty brutal, but it'll all be in the letter.

Arg, I hate to say it, but I don't want to make my companion wait any more. Gotta wrap up.

I love it here. Thanks for all your support out here. It really means a lot. I'll try to get a decent letter sent in the mail, but for now, sadly it looks like this is it.

Take care guys.

Sooner or later I'll get some decent writing time in, but things are against me.

With love, Elder Robarts

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