Saturday, September 1, 2012

2012.08.28 (snail mail) (or more nicely, USPS)

In Korean, then (thankfully!) translated,
Famiy and friends, dear

So I guess the mix-up last week was probably annoying. So this week you get some extras.  And for how much has been going on, I probably need that.

There are a couple of things I wanted to say, but naturally I forgot them instantly when I started writing.  We will see how it goes.

I love the temple trips we have here.  Last week we did endowments, so I got to take a name through.  Only a few left but our group likes sealings.  So we might do a lot of those.

This might not make sense to a lot of people, but those temple cleaners are thorough.  Three weeks = nothing.  I've even planted a few in the fountain personally and they were gone two days later. 

Only one has made it a week.  So I held on to that one, but I'm still looking.  Mark my words, I will conquer can!

Also, our district is serously the best one here. (You can't tell I'm prejudiced).  We do almost everything together here, and it's easy to feel comfortable with all of them.  It's the same with Peterson (something in Korean).  He laughs at us alot, but he's pretty awesome.  Definitely one fo the biggest geniuses in Korean here.  And when he's teaching grammer, it shows.  Honeslty I have no idea how he holds it all in.

He doesn't hold back though.  If there is a rule that changes something we're learning, almost always he'll include that.  From what I've seen, some of the other teachers wait.  For example, when we were learning negative form, he had us using two forms that a few other districts hadn't covered.  I think they used (I miss something there) which Peterson said is for when you're using the cann / cannot form.  He had us learn some extra ones that you can tag directly onto verbs, for "didn't do" or thins like that.  He also doesn't speak English as much.

Because of that, sometimes it seems like we're moving slower than others, but when I think about how much we're starting to understand our progressing investigators, I know we're doing something right.

Really, I think this will be the best thing for us.  When we get out there, this will prepare us for that. And we'll still be able to learn the same way as we do here.

Anyway, good times.  What was it I wanted to write about?  I'll probably wrap up here. 

Hope you guys are all doing well. 
I'll save some for next week.

(his name, I assume, in Korean)

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