Monday, January 14, 2013

email 2013.01.14

Dear Home,

Anyway, before I say anything else, we got transfers calls this week. And I'm leaving Pyeongtaek. My new area is in the Daejeon zone. Useong I think. Not sure on the spelling yet. Pretty crazy though, a lot is about to change. No more american food, no more english. Pretty sure it'll just be a two man house. My new companion's name is JoGyuWon. Not sure how much english he speaks, but from what I hear, he's a pretty young missionary. Should be fun, I'm looking forward to getting
to practice Korean a lot more. In Pyeongtaek, I think it's a little more hard to pick up the language with all the english from an army base and a four man house.

It's a shame though, I was finally getting settled in (pretty big sign that you'll go, huh?) Learning the names of all the members takes time here, but I'm hoping next area I'll pick it up faster. And at least I
know our investigators will be okay. Elder Park is sticking around another transfer, training an elder from my younger generation.

It's great though. Pyeongtaek has seen a lot of miracles last transfer. I told you about our P-day investigator. Well, it happened again. =D We finished email a little early, and we had a dinner
appointment a little later, so we decided to go to the church and wait for the other elders to finish. I think there was something we needed to copy. Anyway, we were there about five minutes or so when we hear someone come in. A college student came and asked to talk to us. It turns out, she just got back from a foreign exchange program. While in the States, her roommate was a mormon and they got along really well. She was introduced to the church, learned a little, accepted a Book of Mormon, and agreed to look for the church when she went back to Korea. Now, two weeks later, we just happen to go by the church exactly when she finds it. Crazy. She's about as golden of an investigator as you can ask for. I think she'll be pretty receptive.

There are so many things like that. I'm still not very good at Korean, or missionary work here in general, but the Lord has really been helping us. We've been so busy with appointments and lessons, we hardly have time to proselyte anymore. And yet, somehow investigators are still coming. It's incredible what the Lord can put in your path, without you even knowing it.

But now I'm heading to Daejeon. Elder Park will take care of things back here. I'm really excited, this new area should be fun! I think it's a big more city-like. but I'm not sure.

New people, new food probably, new adventures. I love you guys! Thanks for everything! I forgot what else I was going to write about, so I'll close here. Take care!

~Elder Robarts

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