Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2012.10.02 email

Dear Home,

So, one question people have been asking is whether I'm singing in conference or not. Pretty sure they don't have a choir this time, or at least, I haven't heard about it. Kind of a let down, but I hope you guys can forgive me. From the sounds of it, I'll be sitting in the main gym for conference, and they said not to bring a whole lot of stuff. Oh well. That's how the dedication was too. Still, it'll be an awesome experience. And I've picked up a note taking technique I'm looking forward to using. One of the speakers a few weeks back told us to keep two columns of notes, one for what he says and one for what the spirit says. I loved the idea, heard it before, never tried it. But it was good. Only downside is it eats up space. No good, especially for me. However, I found an easy solution. Now I use black ink for the speaker and blue ink for personal thoughts. Works like a charm, and for reasons I'll explain later, it's been really important for me to have something like that.

Man, so much happens in the week! Awesome news: BROTHER KANG GOT BAPTIZED! I love that man, we've been teaching him for a while, and from the get go I felt attached to him. I could really feel what he was going through. He had a problem with smoking, and he's tried to quit, but it's hard for him. As we've helped him, he's wanted to do better and be Baptized. But even when he was doing well, we later learned that he was afraid that when he went back to Korea he would start again. We had the best lesson of our lives after that. I shared with him how Christ has helped me. How I need Him. How I'll always need Him. And how I know He'll always be there. I shared the reason I'm a missionary, Alma 36:24. And I felt the spirit so strong, Elder Forbes and I were never so in sync. At the end, we shared with him that we knew he was ready, and that Heavenly Father will always be there for him, and that one way he blesses and strengthens us is through Baptism and the Holy Ghost. He agreed to be Baptized-- And now we have to wait until Friday to teach again. Sad day, but there were some scheduling issues.

Awesome experience..

Anyway, being District Leader has begun to mean a lot more over the past couple days. It's not just a few extra meetings and conducting district meeting. As I've met with these companionships, I've come to realize how large a responsibility I have towards these missionaries. The weight is more than I was expecting, but I've loved the spirit I've felt. As I take notes, I know I've felt inspiration about this district. And I've grown a lot. Sunday was incredible. Meetings feel more natural to me now, and I don't hesitate to lead like I have in the past. As I've done that, I've felt things come to me, whether scriptures or thoughts, and I know that they've come from the spirit.

Yesterday I had a lot of experience as a DL. Sunday night one of my elders got a nasty ingrown toenail, and I stayed up with him as he tried to get it out. In the end though, there was way too much infection, and he and his companion had to go to the health clinic. Those one on one moments serving are really what make this calling worth it. Just little things. Monday, we hosted senior missionaries (more later), so we had to go do our service and everything early. Fun trying to coordinate that. Plus, both of our teachers had meetings during our class time, so I ended up teaching about the Fundamentals for an hour and a half. Pretty fun really. Anyway, I'm humbled here. This stuff is hard. I've got eight other missionaries's worries and concerns to consider now. For the first few days, it was hard not to let it get me down. But I'm doing better.

I've got to wrap up, someone needs the computer, but I'll try to send pictures later. And I'll get a letter in the mail. Love you all! Thanks for everything!

~Elder Robarts

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