Monday, October 15, 2012

2012.10.09 snail mail


Dear Home,

 I wrote a bit earlier, but I wanted to write  little more.  Quick warning: This letter will be extremely unorganized.

Fun facts:  These Korean Elders are incredible.  I especialy like talking to Elder Kim.  He's so fun.  And with all of them, it's entertaining trying to communicate in Korean.  One of them actually helped as teacher's assistant in a Korean class, so he's been able to help us a lot.  But they're all awesome, one of these Elders is the sweetest guy I've ever met.  He's so nice, I always feel good talking to him, even if we don't always understand what we're saying.

#2 My sketching is dreadful now.  I was showing some old sketches to an Elder here when he asked about it and he asked for some tips.  When I was showing some things I like to do, I realized that I'm out of practice.  I've done a few sketches here, but not much.  I'll send them home (pictures) next week. 

Currently I'm working on a sketch of the district -- don't expect it any time soon.  =D yeah.....   I should work on that while I'm going over 딘 어 review.  Anyway...

#4 David A Bednar  came last night!  He's defiinitely one of my favs, especially after watching some of his talks he's given in the MTC in the past.  (They show talks about once a week on Sundays,  I think we've seen three from Bednar so far.  All awesome.  So now we've seen four.  =D )

Talk about spiritual talk.  We were exhausted by the end of it.  But he talked about learning from the living prophets, and really studying the talks during General Conference.  One pattern he likes is looking for three things.
- doctrine/ principles
- invitations
- promised blessings
Personalize it.  Dont write what they say, write what you feel.  Anyway, we practiced with G.C. clips,  and the difference was very noticable..

Such a good talk, and one thing I failed to mention.  For the past four weeks, our district has camped out early to get good seats.  (I like to bring a blanket to lay out on the ground that we can sit on.  Purpose not much, but it's fun to do things as a district.)

Anyway!  we got split up in the push to get seats, but my companion and I were fourth row, dead center.  He looked straight at us a couple times, crazy.  Awesome, right.  But it didn't stop there. 

That evening, District meeting was really powerful.  We each shared what we liked, and we ended up talking a lot about something we heard that night about testimonies and conversion, and how we don't want to come home the same people we were before.  We don't want to go back to that. Already we've grown so much.

I had the opportunity to bear my testimony that night, and I know the spirit was there.  I've come to see those missionaries as my family here.  It's getting harder and harder to think of saying good-bye.

I've come to know them, I've heard their testimonies.  I told them I know that if all they could do was bear their testimonies, that would be enough. We would be successful missionaries.  Because spiritually, I know they're ready.  If they can hold onto the testimonies the've borne here, there's no way they'll lose sight of what matters once we get home.

They say that almost 50% of RMS come home and aren't active, but you won't see any from District 28-G.  This Sunday I think I get released.  Not sure, since there's only a week after that, but probably.  I've loved serving these guys.  I'll miss being able to have those interviews and ask them about life.  I'll still be able to have talks with them, but it won't be the same.  I've got a good district. Every now and then there's a district that feels like you've known everyone in it all your life.

I love you guys.  The closer I feel to these guys, the more I'm reminded of my family back home.  It's been two months since I've seen your faces, if it wasn't for the amount of things we have to learn and do here, that'd be unbearable.  Luckily though, I happen to be in the Lord's service, and He knows how to lift His servants when they're down.  And He's lifted me a lot.

Don't worry though.  I'm not too homesick.  I can always focus on what I need to do.

It's so crazy to think that we're going to Korea in less than two weeks.  I'm excited, especially after spending time with the Korean Elders.  Gotta sign off again, but I'll try to think of something clever to write.

Alright, unforeseen aspect of being DL, baptismal interviews.  I guess we do those with our progressing investigators.   (We would have with 강혀체님, but since I'm District Leader it would have had to have been our Zone Leaders, and they had class at a different time or something)  It was a good experience.

Gotta wrap this guy up.  But before that,  couple more things.  We expected our travel plans today, but it turns out we've got to wait until tomorrow.  oh, well, you win some, you lose some.

But one fun thing I wanted to mention - Korean charades.   Pick a vocab word and explain it without English.  (Fine, it's more like Taboo)  Pretty fun though.  We did a little today.  We also shared stories in Korean -- by the way, Sister Wadsworth is one of the best story tellers I've ever seen.  She makes little hand puppets when she does conversations, switches spots, vocalizes and does actions for thoughts during the story.  And it's all in Korean.  Really awesome.


Today went from good to bad, but not because of something that happened to me.  Sister Hunt got called out of class today, and when the Sisters came back we learned that her grandmother had passed away from cancer.  It was a hard blow to take, and it was hard to see how much she was trying to go on like nothing had happened.  But she said that they'd been really close before.  Anyway, if you could keep her in your prayers, I'd really appreciate it.   I know she'll be ok, she's strong, anw we're all here for her if she needs us.  I just wish there was more I could do to help.


It's so hard to write when you only have a few minutes at a time.  I want to get this in the mail today though, so it looks like this is it. I love you guys.  I'm sure I'm forgetting something.  If you think I'm ignoring you, I don't mean to, but you may want to ask again.  It's impossible to remember what you wrote or what I wanted to write.

Just know that I do love you.  I look forward to chances to write to you.  I just have a lot on my mind. 

Take care everyone!  I'll write again soon.
                                                                 좌/ㅏ추  장조

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